U-Bond to Mother Up Orphaned Animals

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U-Bond is a masking agent that aids in establishing a maternal bond between lambs, kids, calves or foals and their new mothers. Use U-Bond when first time mothers have rejected their new born, often from inexperience or lack of mothering instinct. Use U-bond when foster mothering is required when a mother cannot cope with all her newborn.Use U-Bond as well when animals are orphaned and need a new mother.U-Bond contains natural plant oils giving it a distinct peppermint smell. Other ingredients are water, an emulsifying agent and a preservative.How to use U-BondFirst, restrain the mother, cover her eyes and spray U-Bond generously on her nostrils and mouth. Spray U-Bond on the newborn from the tailhead to the back of its head to replace the newborn's original scent. Allow the newborn to feed while restraining the new mother.A repeat spraying may be needed 12 hours later if bonding not complete. If possible, leave the mother and young together in a pen until maternal bond is apparent.